Bennion Kearny’s fiction imprint launches debut using digital storytelling, gaming and virtual reality 

A powerful and moving story reclaimed from history and bringing to light Liverpool’s role in the American Civil War is to be published by Bennion Kearny’s new fiction imprint. The tale will also go beyond the book, using digital storytelling, gaming and virtual reality to recreate the settings and characters at its Liverpool and stateside locations.

Publisher, James Lumsden-Cook, won world all-language rights from Clare Coombes at The Liverpool Literary Agency. Water Street by JP Maxwell will be published on 1st July 2023 by BK Fiction.

Lumsden-Cook commented: “We are delighted that our debut title will be Water Street by JP Maxwell, a US Civil War historical thriller set in 1863 Liverpool. We plan to publish this book alongside innovative digital storytelling elements that offer fresh and unique experiences for readers.”

Author, JP Maxwell, teaches Screenwriting and Digital Writing at Liverpool John Moores University. Although fictional, his writing directly links to Irish and African family history in the port city and specifically Toxteth since the early 1800s. 

He said: "I'm excited by BK Fiction’s acquisition of Water Street. This is a thriller that will exist in the Metaverse via a games engine that takes us back to 1863 Liverpool, where the American Civil War began and ended.”

Agent Clare Coombes added: “Water Street is a wonderful insight into Liverpool’s past, with a thrilling spy narrative and it has the potential to be a fully immersive storytelling experience.”

Photo: JP Maxwell 

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Author JP Maxwell

JP Maxwell signs with BK Fiction


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